A weekly update from Neil and David, the Churchwardens…
Sunday 5th January, The Epiphany
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Priory as we start a new year. If you are a visitor, please enjoy your time with us and the beauty of the Priory and its surroundings.
Today we celebrate the Epiphany: But what does this mean? Tony Whalley, who is preaching at the 10.30am service writes: “It is often said that it is the revealing of Jesus and God's message to us through him. That is only a small part of the message of the Epiphany. It is also about understanding what God is showing us who a Christian is. To put it in a more straightforward way, it follows the old teaching mantra: 'I hear, I forget, I see, I remember, I do, I understand'. In my case it can be described in one of my 'nerdy' traits. For many years I have avidly read car workshop manuals and handbooks. The words and pictures all reminded me of how a car worked. But it was not until I worked on a car that I really came to understand. To hear about being a Christian is interesting. To see how Christians behave can be remembered: but it is not until becoming a Christian that we understand God's purpose for each of our lives through Jesus. As we look back to the old year and move forward into a new year, we need to think afresh as to how we respond to God's call”.
Just before Christmas we heard from the Bishop’s office that Roger Latham will be installed as our new vicar at the 10.30am service on Sunday 23rd February. The president of the service will be Bishop Alan Winton. We will be working with our Area Dean, Gary Crellin, to make the arrangements for the service.
Adam’s last services will be next Sunday, 12th January. After the 8am service there will be coffee and croissants. After the 10.30am service there will be a bring and share lunch; if you are able to come please sign on the sheet at the back of the church to indicate what you would be able to bring.
Every blessing to you throughout this new year.
Neil and David, churchwardens.
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