Worship at the Priory
He is Risen!
Sunrise at the Easter Day Dawn Service on the Worcestershire Beacon
Sunday Services
Following the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer.
8am Holy Communion
10.30am Service
Parish Communion on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays
Altogether Worship on 2nd Sunday
Morning Worship on 4th Sunday
6.30pm Service
The Gathering on 1st Sunday
Evening Communion on 2nd Sunday
Evensong on 3rd Sunday
Choral Evensong on 4th Sunday*
Choral Evensong on 5th Sunday
* except in a five Sunday month, when this is a service of Evening Worship
Find out which Sundays
Messy Church meets on here.
What to expect
Everyone’s welcome to worship at the Priory.
If you’re worshipping at the Priory for the first time, or are visiting this glorious area, do say ‘hello’ to Roger, the Vicar, a service warden or Neil and David, the churchwardens… and do stay for coffee after the 10.30am service.
Dogs are welcome to accompany their owners to services, on leads and under close control. Please avoid the refreshments area after the 10.30am service, the children’s area, or crowded areas, especially if there are children present. Thank you!
8am Holy Communion
The beautiful words of the Book of Common Prayer echo within the ancient walls during Holy Communion. A contemplative start to Sunday, lasting around 40 minutes.
10.30am Parish Communion
Following Common Worship liturgy with the Priory Choir or Praise Group leading the hymns. With Children’s address and sermon and followed by coffee, the service lasts about 1h 15m.
10.30am Altogether Worship
A service of words and music exploring stories and themes from the Bible and how they relate to our lives today. Music led by the Priory Orchestra and coffee afterwards. Usually just over an hour.
10.30am Morning Worship
Based on Common Worship Morning Prayer, with hymns led by the Priory Choir. For about an hour with coffee afterwards.
6.30pm The Gathering
Cafe Church style with refreshments, lively discussion and worship songs led by the Priory Worship Band. Usually around an hour.
6.30pm Evening Communion
Common Worship liturgy with hymns led by the Priory Singers. About an hour long.
6.30pm Evensong
The congregation joins with the Priory Singers in this hour-long sung service.
6.30pm Choral Evensong
A traditional choir-led sung Evensong lasting around an hour.
6.30pm Evening Worship
Congregational singing is led by the Praise Group. The service is around an hour long
Weekday Services
Worship at the Priory during the week…
Morning Prayer is said Monday to Saturday in St Giles’ Chapel in the North aisle.
A short, contemplative, service, from Common Worship including the Priory and Diocesan prayer cycle and prayers requested by Priory visitors.
On rare occasions, it may not be possible to hold this service. Please contact our Custos to check (01684) 572672, email custos@greatmalvernpriory.org.uk
if you are making a special visit.
We celebrate Midweek Communion using the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer on Wednesdays at 11.30am.
A said service, with a short sermon, Midweek Communion is celebrated in St Giles’ Chapel in the north aisle.
Detail from Thomas Denny Millennium window, St Giles’ Chapel
Private Prayer
The Priory’s open daily for private prayer…
Pray, light a candle, or leave a prayer request in St Giles’ chapel.
Prayer requests are included in intercessions at Morning Prayer.
St Anne’s chapel is also available for private prayer.
Sometimes though, the Priory may be closed, or in use for a service or event.
Click here for up to date opening times and the calendar
Detail of Anne Savage (nee Knotsford) at prayer by the Knotsford tomb.
Anne was daughter of John Knotsford (d 1589), who purchased the Prior’s house and associated land lands in 1545 after the destruction of many monastic buildings.