From today to the future

Today was a very special day for two of the youngest members of the congregation, Edwina, and Rod, as the Priory Time Capsule was put in place, under the Nave Floor.

For the two youngsters, it was a very exciting opportunity to see ‘behind the scenes’ first hand and even to stand on the temporary level floor section for the group photo.

As the very well-behaved children held hands, and Edwina looked on, Rod tucked the Capsule under the floor, and led all present in a prayer for those who open it in the future.

So what will greet those eyes in 2124?
Over 70 documents carefully furled and tucked into the sealed capsule, including a report from the Floor Levelling Fundraising Team, a letter from the Vicar, thoughts from some of the Readers and Retired Clergy, messages from the Director of Music, Messy Church, Lifepath, the Praise Group, the Flower Arrangers, the Comms Group, the Handbell Ringers, the Friends. A copy of the February 24 Priory Magazine, the Priory Prayer Diary, the Diocesan Prayer Diary, the Welcome Leaflet, ‘This Week’ for 4th /7th February, the February 2024 Music List, the Pattern of Worship for 2024, the Priory Service Rota Dec 23-Feb 24, a photo of the workers from Reynolds Conservation Ltd, who’ve done such an amazing job so far and much, much more.

We hope that it gives a flavour of the living, multi-faceted worshipping community that is the Priory in 2024.


41 ‘somethings’, 70mm, low


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